Series: Black Dagger Brotherhood
Author: J.R. Ward
Publication: September 6, 2005
In the shadows of the night in Caldwell, New York, there's a deadly turf war going war going on between vampires and their slayers. There exists a secret band of brothers like no other-six vampire warriors, defenders of their race. Yet none of them relishes killing their enemies more than Wrath, the leader of the Black Dagger Brotherhood...
The only purebred vampire left on the planet, Wrath has a score to settle with the slayers who murdered his parents centuries ago. But when one of his most trusted fighters is killed - orphaning a half-breed daughter unaware of her heritage or her fate - Wrath must usher the beautiful female into the world of the undead...
Racked by a restlessness in her body that wasn't there, Beth Randall is helpless against the dangerously sexy man who comes at night with shadows in his eyes. His tales of brotherhood and blood frighten her. But his touch ignites a dawning hunger that threatens to consume them both....
Amber's Review:

All I can say is Why, oh why did I wait so long to read you?! This book was phenomenal! I am so extremely excited to have found a new adult series that really delivers! You all know my opinion about Fever, unbelievably amazing! But the only other adult series I have read was Riley Jenson. Eh. Decent. A little too smutty and not enough romance or storyline. But this book was a breath of fresh air and has totally restored my faith in the adult genre! It had the perfect balance of sexiness and plot, romance and danger, crime and mystery. I absolutely loved it.
I adore the brothers! Every one of them! Wrath, who is the main character for this first installment, is just breathtaking. He is so masculine and badass you almost can't even imagine him being capable of an emotion such as love. But you learn about his past, his pain, and we slowly get to know him and his history. He is really something else. J.R. Ward did so well creating such a deep character!
Ward has definitely created a vampire world for grown-ups! I do love my YA. I love my sparkling Edward. But Wrath and his brothers were made for mature women with a love for the dangerous bad boy, and let me tell you, that fits the bill with me! This series has everything I've been looking for! Rivalry between the vampires and the "slayers", love and loss, action and fighting, mystery and suspense. I couldn't ask for more from a book, and I am left with nothing but total excitement to see what happens in the other installments!
Her teasers into the backgrounds of the other brothers are killing me! I want to read every one of their stories right now! But I know I have to take it one at a time. Good thing I just bought the box set! I have a feeling I will be devouring this series quickly, so thank goodness she has no intentions of ending the series anytime soon. Lover Unleashed, book 9, was just released and another is in the making, which is good news for me and my newborn addiction to the brotherhood!
The series has a continued plot and storyline, but each book focuses on a different brother, which is just fine since I am in love with every one of them already! It's so hard not to be. The glimpse we get of each brother and the hardships they've been through, and continue to go through, really tugs at your heart no matter how much they hide behind the tough guy bravado! I highly recommend the Black Dagger Brotherhood to everyone! Well, everyone of age! :)
I still need to get round to this series as well. Glad to hear you liked it.
Thanks and yes, I loved it! A definite favorite!!
Thanks for the review! I've been wanting to read this for a long time now but have been worried that I wouldn't like it. "A different brother for each book? WHAT!" You've completely restored my faith in this series and it will be getting a massive bump up the TBR pile!
Thanks Lisa! Glad you liked my review!! :) Hope you like the series as much as I do!!
Great review, Amber, to a great book. They just get better. I loved the first one when I read it, but now I'm thinking it wasn't the best of the series by a long shot. I'll tell you what, I think you'll like Meredith Gentry's fellows (Laurell Hamilton) as much as these guys (very different but also VERY sexy.) You read her and I promise to read the Fever series. Then we can duke it out to see who's the best. (Yeah, I know, Barron will win.) Susan (Suhzan)
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